Family Portrait Ideas

Creating family portraits can be a fun and memorable way to capture the unique personality of your family. Here some ideas for more interesting family portraits. Some of these may sound terrible but future generations might look back at how fun and inventive you all were.

Musical Group

Embrace the harmonious creativity as each family member becomes a musician. In this whimsical family portrait, everyone is assigned a different musical instrument, transforming your living room or backyard into a symphonic wonderland.

Family Portrait Meet The Johnson's

Transport your family into the realm of legendary album covers. Recreate the magic of your favorite album by imitating the poses, expressions, and even costumes of the iconic artists.


Dress up as a time long ago or make each family member as if they’re from a different era, creating a whimsical portrait that spans across time.

Backyard Camping

Set up a camping scene in your backyard, complete with a fake fire, marshmallows, and sleeping bags for a cozy yet quirky family portrait.

Pets in Charge

Let your pets take center stage in the portrait, with the family members playing supporting roles or posing as the pets themselves.

Fantasy Forest

Create a magical forest setting in your backyard or using props. Dress the family as fantasy characters like fairies, wizards, or elves. Take it even further with caricatures from your favorite fantasy movie or book.
Family Portrait - Wizard of OZ

Movie Posters

Recreate famous movie posters with your family as the stars. Add a touch of humor by adapting the titles to fit your family’s story.

Movie Theme

Movie-themed family portraits, especially iconic ones like Star Trek, can be a fantastic and entertaining idea.

Superhero Squad

Have each family member pick their favorite superhero or create your own, complete with capes and imaginative accessories.

All-Star Lineup

Arrange your family as if you’re a lineup of all-star athletes. Each member can strike a pose reminiscent of the classic sports trading card look. Dress each family member in jerseys from your favorite sports teams. Mix and match, or represent different teams to showcase your family’s diverse sports interests.

Family Portrait Super Heroes
Family Portrait - Pirates

Underwater Adventure

Use blue lighting and props to create an underwater scene. Dress in snorkeling gear, goggles, and inflatable floaties for an imaginative family portrait.

Nautical Nonsense

Dress up as pirates, sailors, or sea creatures for a quirky nautical-themed family portrait. Props like a cardboard ship can add to the fun.

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